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Tamilnadu - Fine arts - Music - List of Music Styles - List of music styles K

List of music styles K

* Käng
* Kaba - Southern Albanian instrumental music
* Kabuki - lively and popular form of Japanese theater and music
* Kadans
* Kagok - Korean aristocratic vocal music accompanied by strings, wind and percussion instruments
* Kagyupa chanting - form of Tibetan Buddhist chanting
* Kaiso
* Kalamatianó
* Kalattuut - Inuit polka
* Kalinda (kalenda, ti kannot)
* Kamba pop
* Kan ha diskanrapes men
* Kansas City blues
* Kantádhes
* Kantrum
* Karaoke
* Kargyraa
* Karma
* Kaseko - Surinamese folk music
* Katcharsee - lively, celebratory Okinawan folk music
* Katajjaq or Inuit throat singing - competititive duet style
* Kawachi ondo - a form of modernized Okinawan folk music
* Kayōkyoku - traditionally-structured Japanese pop music


* Ke-kwe
* Kebyar - see gamelan gong kebyar above
* Kecak - Balinese "monkeychant"
* Kecapi suling - instrumental, improvisation-based music from Java
* Kélé
* Kertok - Malaysian xylophone music played in small ensembles
* Khaleeji - popular folk-based music of the Persian Gulf countries
* Khap
* Khplam wai - a type of mor lam with a slow tempo which originated in Luang Prabang, Laos
* Khelimaski djili - Hungarian Gypsy dance songs
* Khene
* Khrung sai - type of Thai classical music
* Khyal - Hindustani vocal music that is informal, partially improvised and very popular
* Khoomei
* Khorovodi - Russian dance music


* Kĩkũyũ pop
* Kilapanda
* Kinko
* Kirtan
* Kiwi rock
* Kizomba
* Klape - Dalmatian male choir music
* Klasik
* Kléftiko
* Klezmer
* Kliningan
* Kochare - Armenian folk dance
* Kolomyjka
* Komagaku
* Konpa
* Koumpaneia - Greek Gypsy music
* Kpanlogo


* Krakowiak
* Krautrock
* Kriti (krithi) - a Hindui hymn
* Kroncong - popular Indonesian music with strong Portuguese influence
* Krzesany
* Kulintang - Traditional gong-chime music of the Philippines, Eastern Indonesia, Eastern Malaysia, Brunei and Timor
* Kulning - Swedish folk songs
* Kumina - music (and religion) of the Bongo Nation of Jamaica
* Kun-borrk
* Kundere
* Kundiman - traditional Filipino songs adapted to Western song structure
* Kussundé
* Kutumba wake
* Kvæði
* Kveding - traditional Norwegian songs
* Kwaito
* Kwassa kwassa
* Kwela
* korean pop

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Indian classical music is categorized under two genres. They are Hindustani and Carnatic. Broadly Hindustani developed in the northern regions of the country
Folk Kuchipudi