Tamil Nadu - Sports - Kick Boxing - Punching



  • Jab - straight punch from the front hand, to either the head or the body, often used in conjunction with the cross
  • Cross (Straight punch) - The straight punching whirl by feeling it out-without using target
  • Hook - rounded punch to either the head or body in an arching motion, usually not scored in points scoring
  • Uppercut - rising punch striking to the chin.


Cross here in counterpunch (cross-counter)




  • Short straight-punch usually striking to the chin
  • Backfist usually from the front hand, reverse-back fist and spinning back-fist both usually from the back hand - are strikes to the head, raising the arm and bending the arm at the elbow and then straightening the arm quickly to strike to the side of the head with the rear of the knuckles, common in “light contact”.

Short straight-punch

Back fist

Spinning back-fist



  • Cross-counter – a cross-counter is a counterpunch begun immediately after an opponent throws a jab, exploiting the opening in the opponent's position
  • Overhand (overcut or drop) - a semi-circular and vertical punch thrown with the rear hand. It is usually when the opponent bobbing or slipping. The strategic utility of the drop relying on body weight can deliver a great deal of power
  • Bolo punch - a combination of a wide uppercut/right cross/swing that was delivered seemingly from the floor.
  • Half-hook - a combination of a wide jab/hook or cross/hook
  • Half-swing - a combination of a wide hook/swing



  • Front Kick or push Kick - Striking face on with the heel of the foot
  • Side Kick - Striking with the side or heel of the foot with leg parallel to the ground, can be performed to either the head or body
  • Semi-circular Kick or forty five degree roundhouse kick
  • Roundhouse Kick or circle kick - Striking with the front of the foot or the lower shin to the head or the body in a chopping motion

Front kick

Side kick

Semi-circular kick

Roundhouse kick

Spinning and flying kick

  • Spinning hook-kick
  • Spinning side-kick
  • Spinning back-kick
  • Jumping front-kick
  • Jumping roundhouse-kick
  • Jumping side-kick
  • Jumping back-kick


Spinning back-kick (here a counterpunch)

Jumping side-kick

Jumping back-kick


  • Hook Kick (heel kick) - Extending the leg out to the side of the body, and hooking the leg back to strike the head with eiher the heel or sole
  • Crescent Kick and forward crescent kick
  • Axe Kick – is a stomp kick or hammer kick. The stomp kick normally travel downward, striking with the side or base heel.
  • Back Kick – is delivered with the base heel of the foot.
  • Sweeping – One foot or both feet of an opponent may be swept depending upon their position, balance and strength.




Sweeping (spinning hook-kick)

Spinning versions of the back, side, hook and axe kicks can also be performed along with jumping versions of all kicks



  • Straight Knee Thrust (Long-range knee kick or front heel kick). This knee strike is delivered with the back or reverse foot against an opponent’s stomach, groin, hip or spine an opponent forward by the neck, shoulder or arm
  • Rising Knee Strike – can be delivered with the front or back foot. It makes an explosive snap upwards to strike an opponent’s face, chin, throat or chest.
  • Hooking Knee Strike – can be delivered with the front or back foot. It makes a half circle spin and strikes the sides of an opponent
  • Side Knee Snap Strike – is a highly-deceptive knee technique used in close-range fighting. The knee is lifted o the toes or lifted up, and is snapped to left and right, striking an opponent’s sensitive knee joints, insides of thighs, groin

Straight knee-thrust (long-range)

Rising Knee-strike

Diagonal knee-kick

Jumping knee-kick
